The concentration area of the PPGHIS is based in a systemic conception, where the place is understood as the starting point to think about varied themes of the historical knowledge.  The concentration are makes the understanding of the diversity, dynamics and the relation with other spaces articulated in a manner that increase the range of interpretative possibilities. Therefore, is possible to understand the daily, social, cultural, political, economical dimensions of trajectories of populations that are spread in the state of Bahia and Brazilian territories, always observing their peculiarities and similarities in the cultural-historical great mosaic of the State, the Country and the world.

Therefore, the PPGHIS is organized in two lines of Research:

Line IRegional Studies: Countryside and City, which shelters different studies on the relation between countryside and city, considering experiences, daily life, identities, religiosity, strategies of survival of urban and rural populations and studies on culture and memory, also contemplating studies on culture, memory and reading on the countryside and the city. To think the locally and the regionally means to, also, consider the relations of gender, power, education, work, race, ethnicity and social and economic classes. It also implicates to consider the esthetical dimensions of culture such as literature, cinema, theatre, music and photography;

Line IIStudies of Afro-Brazilian Populations Trajectories, which gathers different researches on experiences, culture, daily life, memory and identities of the Descending-Afro populations. It is opened for studies on formation and ethnical and cultural diversity, religious diversity, referential identity systems, memories of Africa and of the slavery. It also assembles studies on black populations and communities during the slavery and in post-abolition period.